Activity Modelling

Activity Modelling and Developing Funding Models

Squeezed budgets and competitive pressures have increased the level of risk for bidders. Accurately forecasting service demand and calculating workflow, and pricing are essential components of designing services and winning tender proposals. So we can help you find the most efficient and effective way of developing your services in your market, maximising your surplus/profit.

At Mizoola we can help you remodel existing services in-line with current demands, or respond to new opportunities with a new model. We’ll use our experience to help you accurately predict your workflow so you can focus on developing your products and services to achieve your goals.

If you need help managing your tender process call us on 01636 674 848.

We’ll help you:

•    Cost your workforce accurately
•    Accurately predict the demand for your services
•    Price your proposals realistically and competitively
•    Respond to new opportunities with new models
•    Plan commercial ventures with confidence